Thursday 2 May 2013

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Little Thunder, rough scene.

Another scene for "The Thunder Maker" that I did in rough. Little Thunder catches his first lightning bolt.
Done in Flash.

Thursday 18 April 2013

The Thunder Maker, animated scene.

This is a short scene I was assigned to animate for Alan Syliboy's animation, "The Thunder Maker".

The main character Little Thunder throwing one of his bolts.
Drew some rough animation and then used some symbols to clean it up.
Done in Flash.

Alan Syliboy's "The Thunder Maker" Concept art

For my last semester in school, a couple of other students and I have been collaborating with Mik'maq artist Alan Syliboy for his next animation called "The Thunder Maker".

Here are some concept paintings I did during the pre-production phase of the project. Done in Sketchbook Pro.

Friday 22 March 2013

Kung Fu Gestures

Life drawing gestures from a February 2013 class. We had guest martial artists to come in and show off some forms and techniques that we were able to sketch.

Poses vary from 15 seconds to a minute.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Thursday 28 February 2013

Lip Sync for the last day of February

I've got this lip sync featuring my elf-girl OC.
It was done with my voice so I pretty much hate watching it. Everyone hates their own voice, it's not just me.

I tried my best to make it not sound like me. I'm pretty sure I don't get this excited over a frog, soooo.

It's pretty rough, a clean-up might be done before school for my demo reel.

Digital Illustration Class

I cropped a piece out of one of my old assignments from last semester. We were supposed to just draw a poster for something which basically means we could paint whatever we wanted.
So I decided to paint a guy on some rocks. The full picture has a fortress in the background, but I didn't like that as much...

Done in Corel Painter 12.


Drawing from one of my sketchbooks. :)

Some Less-than-complete Animations

So these are a couple of rough animations I've done this year with my original character.
I'll probably clean up the Flash one later.

The first video is a run and jump exercise one paper and the second is a pulling test done in Adobe Flash.

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Last semester, original character.

An original character I came up with last semester.
I thought it'd be cool to make an elf-like character since I've never really made one before.

I'll show some of her animations in a bit. Be prepared for some super hair follow through.

Old Stuff, Fish fish fish.

An old pencil test scene I did for my college's Capstone project. We had to animate a fish that could walk around and enjoy life. Eventually though, the fish ends up dying by drowning in water. So that sucks.

Backgrounds were not done by me.

Friday 22 February 2013


ARE YOU READY FOR THIS. I'm not sure if you are.

I dub this blog as a place for silly animations and super cool stuff. Here's the first.